elliptical elliptical circle

@Reticulation @Reticulation @Reticulation
rough minute very fine
@Wrinkle @Wrinkle @Wrinkle
arabesque fine ripple stripe
@Projection @Projection @ Projection
papilla jigsaw small spine
@Spine @Barbed patpus

Reticulation: more or less completely networked linear prominences
Wrinkle: long prominences horizontally spreading with irregular directions or not abreast with the long axis of seed
Projection: prominences not spreading horizontally (not including pappus of Asteraceae and hairs)
Retrorsely barbed pappus:

3-angled 3-angled 4-angled
spiral winged piece

3-angled: Seed with three edges abreast with the long axis
4-angled: Seed with four edges abreast with the long axis
Angled: Seed with edges not abreast with the long axis
Angled pillar: Seed with 4- or more edges abreast with the long axis
Spiral: like a spiral shell
Piece: like a piece of equally divided globe, ellipsoid or egg along the axis

œThe construction of this database was subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
@ (Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology).

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