Scientific names (families and species) in this database were under old taxonomic systems.
(modified Engler system, etc.)

The construction of this database was subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology).
On this database, there are Seed-images of naturalized alien plants in Japan
The contents are subject to change without notice.
We cannot be held responsible for any disadvantage and losses due to using this database.

Click to search by scientific names

1. You can narrow down the search by family name/initial of the species name.
2. Also you can sort the result alphabetically.

  Click for searching seed names by their morphological features

This is the list of the naturalized alien plants recorded in Japan

1. In the next page, seeds are categorized into 5 groups from A to E. Please select one category corresponding with your seed sample, and click on the button. You can go to the chart for searching.
2. On the first row of each chart, there are the pull-down menus for the morphological features. Please select a feature corresponding with your sample from one menu. Also, select a feature from another menu to continuously narrow down your search.
3. You can select the menus in any orders, but we recommend you to start from left-hand of chart.
4. All alternatives are always displayed in the pull-down menus (and not in alphabetical order). Therefore, the menus keep also useless features for the next narrowing down. You should be careful to avoid the useless alternatives.

When there is no seed image in your result of searching, try one of the following three methods:
a) Select another feature from the menu used for your current search.
b) Select “all” from another menu used for your current search.
c) Click on the "Reset" button to restart your search.

List of
naturalized invasive alien plants

1. This is the list of the naturalized alien plants recorded in Japan which was collected from various literatures.
2. We do not guarantee the precision of the scientific names.
Address Laboratory of Wild Plant Science, Research Institute for Bioresources,
Okayama University 20-1, Chuo 2-chome Kurashiki City, Okayama 710-0046 Japan

Copyright © 2006- All rights reserved.