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Group of Plant-Microbe Interactions (PI Prof. N. Suzuki)

岡山大学資源植物科学研究所 (岡山大学大学院環境生命科学研究科)
植物ストレス科学共同研究コア 環境生物ストレスユニット


Ascertaining the interplay between plants and beneficial and harmful viruses

Plant growth is influenced by interactions between plants and various microorganisms. Viruses, bacteria and fungi pathogenic are threats to plants. By contrast, some viruses infect phytopathogenic fungi and reduce their virulence, thereby having potential as biocontrol agents. This group studies various bipartite (plant - virus) or tripartite (plant - pathogenic fungus - mycovirus) interplays with specific examination of the multifaceted nature of microbes. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the promotion of healthy growth of crops and other plants.


Group of Plant-Microbe Interactions
Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University
2-20-1 Chuo, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0046, Japan 
TEL +81-86-434-1230 (N.Suzuki), +81-86-434-1232 (Kondo, Hyodo, Maruyama)

   12th PSJ Plant Virus  Disease Workshop  3rd IMS

 Group of Plant-Microbe Interactions 






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