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Ohnishi N, Wacera F, Sakamoto W (2019) Photosynthetic Responses to High Temperature and Strong Light Suggest Potential Post-flowering Drought Tolerance of Sorghum Japanese Landrace Takakibi. Plant Cell Physiol. 1;60(9):2086-2099.
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Toyoshima, M., Sakata, M., Ohnishi, K., Tokumaru, Y., Kato, Y., Tokutsu, R., Sakamoto, W., Minagawa, J., Matsuda, F., Shimizu, H. (2019) Targeted proteome analysis of microalgae under high-light conditions by optimized protein extraction of photosynthetic organisms. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 127:394-402.
Takami, T., Ohnishi, N., Kurita, Y., Iwamura, S., Ohnishi, M., Kusaba, M., Mimura, T., Sakamoto, W. (2018) Organelle DNA degradation contributes to the efficient use of phosphate in seed plants. Nat Plants. 4:1044-1055.
Kato, Y., Hyodo, K., Sakamoto, W. (2018)The Photosystem II Repair Cycle Requires FtsH Turnover through the EngA GTPase. Plant Physiol. 178:596-611.
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Tominaga, J., Nakahara, Y., Horikawa, D., Tanaka, A., Kamei, Y., Takami, T., Sakamoto, W., Unno, K., Sakamoto, A., and Shimada H. (2018) Overexpression of the protein disulfide isomaerase AtCYO1 in chloroplasts slows dark-induced senescence in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol., 18:80.
Kato, Y. and Sakamoto, W. (2018) FtsH protease in the thylakoid membrane: physiological functions and the regulation of protease activity. Frontiers Plant Sci., 9: 855. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00855.
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Matsushima, R., Maekawa, M., Kusano, M., Kondo, H., Fujita, N., Kawagoe, Y., and Sakamoto, W. (2014) Amyloplast-Localized SUBSTANDARD STARCH GRAIN4 Protein Influences the Size of Starch Grains in Rice Endosperm. Plant Physiol. 164: 623-636.
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Zhang, L., Kato, Y., Saigo, K., Vothknecht, U.C., and Sakamoto, W. (2013) The lattice-like structure observed by Vipp1-GFP in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. In Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future. 15th International Conference on Photosynthesis. (eds. Kuang, T., Lu, C., and Zhang, L.), pp. 394-397, Springer.
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Matsushima R., Yamashita J., Kariyama, S., Enomoto, T., and Sakamoto, W. (2013) A phylogenetic re-evaluationofmorphologicalvariationsofstarchgrainsamong Poaceae species.J.Appl.Glycosci. 60, 37-44.
Nagai M, Ohnishi M, Uehara T, Yamagami M, Miura E, Kamakura M, Kitamura A, Sakaguchi SI, Sakamoto W, Shimmen T, Fukaki H, Reld RJ, Furukawa A, Mimura T. (2013) Ion gradients inxylemexudateandguttationfluidrelatedtotissue ion levels along primary leaves of barley. Plant Cell Environ. 36:1826-1837.
Yamatani H, Sato Y, Masuda Y, Kato Y, Morita R, Fukunaga K, Nagamura Y, Nishimura M, Sakamoto W, Tanaka A, Kusaba M. (2013) NYC4, the rice ortholog of Arabidopsis THF1, is involved in the degradation of chlorophyll-protein complexes during leaf senescence. Plant J. 74: 652-662.
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Nakano RT, Matsushima R, Nagano AJ, Fukao Y, Fujiwara M, Kondo M, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I. (2012) ERMO3/MVP1/GOLD36 is involved in a cell type-specific mechanism for maintaining ER morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana PLoS ONE e49103
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Kato Y, Miura E, Ido K, Ifuku K, Sakamoto W. (2009) The variegatedmutantslackingchloroplasticFtsHsaredefective in D1 degradation and accumulate reactive oxygen species.Plant Physiol. 151(4):1790-801.
Tang LY, Nagata N, Matsushima R, Chen Y, Yoshioka Y, Sakamoto W.(2009) Visualizationofplastidsinpollen grains: involvement of FtsZ1inpollenplastiddivision.Plant Cell Physiol. 50(4):904-8.
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Nakano RT, Matsushima R, Ueda H, Tamura K, Shimada T, Li L, Hayashi Y, Kondo M, Nishimura M, Hara-NishimuraI.(2009) GNOM-LIKE1/ERMO1 and SEC24a/ERMO2 are required for maintenance of endoplasmic reticulum morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell. :3672-85.
MatsushimaR, Hamamura Y, Higashiyama T, Arimura S, Sodmergen, Tsutsumi N, Sakamoto W.(2008) Mitochondrial dynamics inplantmalegametophytevisualizedbyfluorescent live imaging. Plant Cell Physiol. 49(7):1074-83.
Matsushima R, Hu Y, Toyoda K, Sodmergen, Sakamoto W. (2008) The model plant Medicago truncatula exhibits biparentalplastidinheritance.
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Arimura S, Fujimoto M, Doniwa Y, Kadoya N, Nakazono M, Sakamoto W, Tsutsumi N. (2008) Arabidopsis ELONGATED MITOCHONDRIA1 is required for localization of DYNAMIN-RELATED PROTEIN3A to mitochondrial fission sites. Plant Cell. 20(6):1555-66.
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