

TEL. 086-424-1661

〒710-0046 岡山県倉敷市中央2-20-1


Research Core for Future Crops
Ecophysiology Research
Group of Ion Dynamics

We investigate ion dynamics of plants to comprehend the mechanism of resilience of crops in the field environment. Ion dynamics includes solute mobilization, cell signaling and ion homeostasis. All these are critical in recovery from and tolerance to environmental stresses of crops. To investigate ion dynamics in plants, we employ electrophysiological and ion imaging methodologies. Currently, our group consists of 3 sub-groups, which focus (A) resilience of rice against salt damaged land, (B) CO2 assimilation and transpiration regulation and (C) methods development of ion imaging and ion electrodes, respectively.
A. Ion homeostasis studied to comprehend crop resilience in saline stressed field (by Dr. Katsuhara, Dr. Horie and Dr. Mori)
We investigate the roles of ion transport mechanisms in ion homeostasis system of cells and individuals of Poaceas crops during fluctuating sodium stresses through electrophysiological analyses. Currently, we are interested in xylem loading and sequestration mechanisms of sodium ion in roots, particularly the functions of HKT-type ion transporters and group II CNGC ion channels in rice, barley and turfgrass.

Publication: Mori et al. (2018) A Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel, HvCNGC2-3, Is Activated by the Co-Presence of Na? and K? and Permeable to Na? and K? Non-Selectively. Plants 7: 61 doi.org/10.3390/plants7030061

B. Studies on ion homeostasis for understanding of control of CO2 uptake and transpiration (by Dr. Sasaki, Dr. Hamamoto and Dr. Mori)
Ion channels play critical roles in movement of stomata. We analyze activity regulation of ion channels involved in stomatal aperture regulation. We focus on the investigation of regulatory mechanisms of anion channels, SLAC1 and ALMT12, and potassium channels, KAT1 utilizing patch clamping and two-electrode voltage clamping techniques. Plasma membrane-associated Ca2+ channel activity, which is postulated to function in signal integration in guard cells are also targeted for the study.

C. Cell signaling study utilizing ion imaging and ion electrodes (by Dr. Murata, Dr. Munemasa, Dr. Mimura and Dr. Mori)
We reveal ion mobilization during environmental signals in plant cell systems, such as guard cells, roots and algal internodal cells using Ca2+ sensor protein, impalement of ion specific micro-electrodes and vibrating micro-ion electrodes. This study unveils ion dynamics in homeostasis and signal integration in plant cells.




TEL 086-424-1661
FAX 086-434-1249