本研究は明治大学、東京大学、The New Zealand Institute for Plant &Food Researchとの共同研究として実施しました。
[掲載論文] Sci. Rep (2016) 6:32537
[掲載論文] Plant J (2018) 94:626-637
イネとトビイロウンカの攻防において、ウンカの排出する甘露(Honeydew)中の共生微生物をイネが認識することでウンカ食害を知覚し、防御応答を誘導するという、新規なイネの害虫監視システムを発見しました。この成果はJ Exp Bot・Plant Signal Behavに掲載されました。また、グローバルで平等な科学教育を支援するScience Connectedにおいて紹介されました。
Honeydew-associated microbes elicit defense responses against brown planthopper in rice
Planthoppers are small but serious pests on plants. In rice, brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) are causing extensive damage by feeding on plants as well as by transmitting viral diseases. It is therefore very important for rice to effectively recognize the pest and activate its strong defense responses soon after attack. Here we found that honeydew which is released from feeding planthoppers contains various bacterial cells that are rapidly detected by rice plants. We propose that microbes in planthopper sweet secretions betray the pest to rice plants and thus serve as important signals (elicitors) of rice defense. We speculate that this may be a general system in plants to activate their defenses against various sucking pests which are all commonly producing honeydew during feeding.
掲載論文:J Exp Bot (2019) 70: 1683-1696, Plant Signal Behav (2019) 14: 1655335
Science Connectedによる紹介:Science Connected magazine
背景・成果・展望:作物の害虫監視システムが標的としている因子を複数発見しました。これらは害虫由来、または食害時に産生する植物由来因子で、作物がこれら因子を認識することで耐虫性機構が活性化されることを明らかにしました。これらの成果は植物科学分野で評価されている専門誌であるJ Exp Bot誌、New Phytol誌、Plant J誌に2018年度に掲載されました。
[掲載論文] Plant J (2018) 94: 626-637, J Exp Bot (2019) 70: 1683-1696, New Phytol (2019) 224: 875-885
ハダニテトラニンの研究(New Phytol 2019)は東京理科大学有村研究室が中心となって行われ、共同研究として参加しています。
Rice plants defend from herbivores by production of phenolamide phytoalexins
Most plants respond to herbivore attack and wounding by production of protective defense metabolites (phytoalexins). We analyzed response of rice plants to two types of herbivores, chewing (lawn armyworm Spodoptera mauritia, rice skipper Parnara guttata) and sucking (brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens) insects. Both attackers induced strong accumulation of phenolamide phytoalexins in the leaves. In addition, these phenolamides were directly toxic to brown planthoppers when added to artificial diet used for rearing of these insects in the laboratory. Our work proposed a new group of defense compounds in rice that is highly effective against various types of insects. It also provided a potentially new tool for the improvement of herbivore-susceptible rice cultivars by genetically increasing their endogenous phenolamide levels during critical stages of development.
In collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany
[掲載論文] Plant Cell Environ (2016) 39: 453-466
Rice plants are calling for help using volatile compounds
Most plants respond to herbivore attack and wounding by production of volatile organic compounds that attracts natural enemies of herbivores. We show that rice plants not only release a whole blend of volatiles after herbivore attack but they also release different amounts of these volatiles when specialist and generalist herbivores attack them. Therefore, rice plants can “recognize” their herbivores based on the signals (elicitors) contained in the insect oral secretions. We propose that rice emits specific signals to attract specialized parasitoid wasps and/or predators for each herbivore, which can greatly increase the efficiency of indirect defense responses in rice.
[掲載論文] JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY (2017) 43: 929-943
背景・展望:アジアイネの葉表層の微細で堅い針状突起(ケイ化トライコーム)がバッタなどの害虫による食害を抑えることを発見しました。一方で、アフリカで食糧事情の改善に向けて開発・普及が進んでいるネリカ(NERICA)は突起構造を有していませんでした。この成果は植物環境応答分野で評価されている専門誌であるPlant Cell Environ誌に2020年に掲載されました。
掲載論文:Plant Cell Environ (2020) 43: 2019-2032
同号に掲載されたKaur博士、 Kariyat博士によるコメンタリーで本研究が紹介されました:Plant Cell Environ (2020) 43: 2015-2018
Sharp spikes on their leaves help rice plants to fight against grasshoppers and other insects
Because of easy cooking, good taste and possibility of long storage, rice became popular food source in many African households. Therefore, NERICA rice, which actually means “New Rice for Africa”, was developed with a strong aim for further promotion and wider spread of rice production in Africa. NERICA varieties were obtained by genetic cross between two rice species, one from Asia and one from Africa, in order to combine a high productivity of an Asian parent, and an adaptation to local conditions of an African parent. Although NERICA varieties show good productivity and satisfactory growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, they have not been extensively tested for their resistance against herbivores. When we planted NERICA 1, 4 and 10 in the paddy field in Japan, we immediately noticed that compared to local Japanese rice varieties, all NERICAs were much more damaged by grasshoppers and other pests. By close comparison with Nipponbare, one of the strong local cultivars, we found that NERICAs completely lack series of abundant spiky trichomes on the surface of their leaves. In our report in Plant Cell & Environment, we show a strong evidence that these spiky structures are actually very important for efficient defense of rice plants against grasshoppers and other abundant herbivores in the field. We also show that the spikes (trichomes) on rice surface must be impregnated with silicon (a mineral obtained by plants from soil) to gain sufficient mechanical strength, and thus ability to rescue rice plants from extensive damage by outnumbering herbivores in the field.
Published in Plant Cell Environ (2020) 43: 2019-2032
掲載論文:Mujiono et al. Plant Cell & Envrion (2021) 44, 2687-2699
Herbivore-induced and constitutive volatiles are controlled by different oxylipin-dependent mechanisms in rice
Plants attacked by insect herbivores emit blends of volatile organic compounds to attract natural enemies of herbivores that are then used as plant’s bodyguards. In this work, we monitored herbivore-elicited volatiles in rice and found that several compounds, such as linalool, can be easily induced by herbivory stress. On the other hand, rice is also producing an array of other volatiles, many of which are released during day and suppressed at night (show diurnal emission pattern). We report that while herbivore-induced plant volatiles are triggered by plant hormone jasmonic acid, diurnal volatiles including caryophyllene in rice do not respond to jasmonate burst that is immediately triggered inside of rice by insect attack. Instead, diurnal volatiles followed the accumulation of 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), which is a well-known jasmonic acid precursor in the same oxylipin pathway. We therefore conclude that while both types of volatiles in rice depend on the oxylipin pathway, actual regulators for stress induced and diurnal volatiles may differ, and therefore these volatiles can show specific emission patterns from plants.
[掲載論文] Shinya et al. Plant Mol Biol. in press