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原著論文                               その他 著書などへ


Ikeda H, Yakubov V, Barkalov V, Setoguchi H. Molecular evidence for ancient relicts of arctic-alpine plants in East Asia. New Phytologist. In press.

Yamashita J, Enomoto T, Yamada M, Ono T, Hanafusa T, Nagamatsu T, Sonoda S and Yamamoto Y (2014) Estimation of soil-to-plant transfer factors of radiocesium in 99 wild plant species grown in arable lands one year after the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident. Journal of Plant Research 127(1): 11-22.

Ishikawa N, Ikeda H, Yi T, Takabe-Ito E, Okada H, Tsukaya H (2014) Lineage diversification and hybridization in the Cayratia japonica-Cayratia tenuifolia species complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 75: 227-238.


Yamashita J, Matsushima R, Kariyama S, Enomoto T and Sakamoto W (2013) A phylogenetic re-evaluation of morphological variations of starch grains among Poaceae species. Journal of Applied Glycoscience 60(1): 37-44.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2013) Phylogeographic study of Phyllodoce aleutica (Ericaceae) in the Japanese archipelago. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B 39: 87-94.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2013) A multilocus sequencing approach reveals the cryptic phylogeographic history of Phyllodoce nipponica Makino (Ericaceae). Biological Journal of Linnean Society 110: 214-226.


Ikeda H (2012) Genetic diversity in multilocus nuclear genes of Phyllodoce nipponica (Ericaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B 38: 55-61.

Ikeda H, Carlsen T, Fujii N, Brochmann C, Setoguchi H (2012) Pleistocene climatic oscillations and the speciation history of an alpine endemic and a widespread arctic-alpine plant. New Phytologist 194: 583-594.

Higashi H, Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2012) Population fragmentation causes randomly fixed genotypes in populations of Arabidopsis kamchatica in the Japanese Archipelago. Journal of Plant Research 125: 223-233.


Sonoda S, Yamashita J, Kohara Y, Izumi Y, Yoshida H and Enomoto T (2011) Population survey of spiders using mt-DNA (COI) sequences in Japanese peach orchards. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 46: 81-86.

Tamura M N, Fuse S, Lee N S, Kim J O., Yamashita J and Ishii T (2011) Biosystematic studies on the family Tofieldiaceae III: Classification of Tofieldia nuda into three species and three varieties. Taxon 60: 1339-1348.

Setoguchi H, Mitsui Y,
Ikeda H, Nomura N, Tamura A (2011) Genetic structure of the critically endangered plant Tricyrtis ishiiana (Convallariaceae) in relict populations of Japan. Conservation Genetics 12: 491-501.

Ikeda H, Fujii N,Setoguchi H (2011) Molecular evolution of cryptochrome genes and the evolutionary manner of photoreceptor genes in Cardamine nipponica (Brassicaceae). Journal of Plant Research 124: 85-92.


Tamura M N, Azuma H, Yamashita J, Fuse S and Ishii T (2010) Biosystematic studies on the family Tofieldiaceae II. Phylogeny of species of Tofieldia and Triantha inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA sequences. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 60(3): 131-140.

Noda A, Mitsui Y, Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2010) Long-term isolation of coastal plant Calystegia soldanella in an ancient lake Biwa, Japan. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 102: 55-66.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H, Morinaga S.-H (2010) Genomic structure of lowland and Highland ecotypes of Arabidopsis halleri ssp. gemmifera (Brassicaceae) on Mt. Ibuki. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 61: 21-26.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2010) Natural selection on PHYE by latitude in the Japanese archipelago: insight from locus specific phylogeographic structure in Arcterica nana (Ericaceae). Molecular Ecology 19: 2779-2791.


Dan T, Mitsui Y, Ikeda H, Isagi Y, Setoguchi H (2009) ) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Shortia rotundifolia (Diapensiaceae), an endangered relict plant on the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan. Conservation Genetics 10: 507-509.

Setoguchi H, Mitsui Y, Ikeda H, Nomura N, Tamura A (2009) Development and characterization of microsatellite loci in the endangered Tricyrtis ishiiana (Convallariaceae), a local endemic plant in Japan. Conservation Genetics 10: 705-707.

Yokoo T, Kobayashi S, Oginuma K, Fujikawa K, Mitsui Y, Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2009) Genetic structure among and within populations of the serpentine endemic Heteropappus hispidus ssp. leptocladus (Compositae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 37: 275-284.

Ikeda H,Fujii N,Setoguchi H (2009) Application of the isolation with migration model demonstrates the Pleistocene origin of geographic differentiation in Cardamine nipponica (Brassicaceae), an endemic Japanese alpine plant. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 2207-2216.

Dan T,
Ikeda H, Mitsui Y, Isagi Y, Setoguchi H (2009) Genetic structure of refugial populations of the temperate plant Shortia rotundifolia (Diapensiaceae) on a subtropical island. Conservation Genetics 10: 859-867.

Ikeda H, Senni K, Fujii N, Setoguchi H (2009) High mountains of the Japanese archipelago as refugia for arctic-alpine plants: phylogeography of Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desvaux (Ericaceae). Biological Journal of Linnean Society97: 403-412.

Ikeda H,Fujii N,Setoguchi H (2009) Molecular evolution of phytochromes in Cardamine nipponica (Brassicaceae) suggests the involvement of PHYE in local adaptation. Genetics 182: 603-614.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2009) The homogenous genetic structure and inferred unique history of range shifts during the Pleistocene climatic oscillations of Arcterica nana (Maxim.) Makino (Ericaceae). Journal of Plant Research 122: 141-151.


Yamashita J, and Tamura M N (2008) A new species of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) from Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 59(1): 51-53.

Ikeda H, Senni K, Fujii N, Setoguchi H (2008) Consistent geographic structure among multiple nuclear sequences and cpDNA polymorphisms of Cardamine nipponica Franch. et Savat. (Brassicaceae). Molecular Ecology 17: 3178-3188.

Ikeda H, Senni K, Fujii N, Setoguchi H (2008) Survival and genetic divergence of an arctic-alpine plant, Diapensia lapponica subsp. obovata (Fr. Schm.) Hulten (Diapensiaceae), in the high mountains of central Japan during climatic oscillations. Plant Systematics and Evolution 272: 197-210.

Ikeda H, Senni K, Fujii N, Setoguchi H (2008) Post-glacial range fragmentation is responsible for the current distribution of Potentilla matsumurae Th. Wolf (Rosaceae) in the Japanese archipelago. Journal of Biogeography 35: 791-800.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2007) Phylogeography and refugia of the Japanese endemic alpine plant Phyllodoce nipponica Makino (Ericaceae). Journal of Biogeography 34: 169-176.

Ikeda H, Senni K, Fujii N, Setoguchi H (2006) Refugia of Potentilla matsumurae (Rosaceae) located in the high mountain at the Japanese archipelago. Molecular Ecology 15: 3731-3740.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N (2004) Phylogenetic analyses and chromosome evolution in Convallarieae (Ruscaceae sensu lato), with some taxonomic treatments. Journal of Plant Research 117(5): 363-370.

Tamura M N., Yamashita J, Fuse S and Haraguchi M(2004). Molecular phylogeny of monocotyledons inferred from combined analysis of plastid matK and rbcL gene sequences. Journal of Plant Research 117(2): 109-120.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N (2001a) Karyotype analysis of two species of the Chinese epiphytic genus Heteropolygonatum (Convallariaceae-Polygonateae). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 51 (2): 147-153.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N (2001b) Karyotype analysis of six species of the genus Ophiopogon (Convallariaceae-Ophiopogoneae). The Journal of Japanese Botany 76 (2): 100-119.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N (2001c) A new species of the genus Campylandra (Convallariaceae-Convallarieae) from Thailand. Blumea 46: 181-184.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N (2000) Molecular phylogeny of the Convallariaceae (Asparagales). In: Wilson, K. L. and Morrison, D. A. (eds.), Monocots: Systematics and Evolution, pp. 387-400. CSIRO, Melbourne.

Ikeda H, Setoguchi H (2006) Phylogeography of Arcterica nana (Maxim.) Makino (Ericaceae) suggests another range expansion history of Japanese alpine plants. Journal of Plant Research 119: 489-495.

その他 著書など

系統地理学-DNAで解き明かす生きものの自然史-.2013年.池田 啓・小泉逸郎 責任編集 .文一出版.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N., Dioscoreaceae. In: K. Iwatsuki, D. E. Boufford and H. Ohba (eds.), Flora of Japan, vol. IVb. Kodansha, Tokyo., in press.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N., Asparagus L. (Liliaceae). In: K. Iwatsuki, D. E. Boufford and H. Ohba (eds.), Flora of Japan, vol. IVb. Kodansha, Tokyo., in press.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N., Liriope Lour. (Liliaceae). In: K. Iwatsuki, D. E. Boufford and H. Ohba (eds.), Flora of Japan, vol. IVb. Kodansha, Tokyo., in press.

Yamashita J and Tamura M N., Ophiopogon Ker Gawl. (Liliaceae). In: K. Iwatsuki, D. E. Boufford and H. Ohba (eds.), Flora of Japan, vol. IVb. Kodansha, Tokyo., in press.

日本雑草学会 (2011) 雑草学事典 WEB版・CD-ROM版. 364pp. 日本雑草学会, 東京. (59項目を担当)

山下 純・小畠 裕子・狩山 俊悟・榎本 敬 (編) (2010) 岡山市植物目録. 330pp. 岡山市環境局環境保全課, 岡山.

岡山県野生動植物調査検討会委員 et al. (2010a) 岡山県版レッドデータブック2009: 植物編. 354pp. 岡山県生活環境部自然環境課, 岡山.

岡山県野生動植物調査検討会委員 et al. (2010b) 岡山県のレッドデータ生物. 69pp. 倉敷市立自然史博物館, 倉敷. (文献15の抄録版)

岡山県野生動植物調査検討会委員 et al. (2009) 維管束植物. In: 岡山県野生動植物調査検討会 (編), 岡山県野生生物目録2009, pp. 283-362. 岡山県生活環境部自然環境課, 岡山

小澤 佑二・榎本 敬・木下 延子・片山 久・小畠 裕子・溝手 啓子・剣持 玲子・山下 純・片岡 博行 (編) (2007) 旧山手村植物目録. 120pp. 総社市生活環境部環境課.

〒710-0046 倉敷市中央2-20-1 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ 086-434-1240 






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