
International workshop on metal and metalloids in plants

International workshop on metal and metalloids in plants
A Joint Usage/Research Center sponsored workshop will be held on July-10, 2015 at IPSR Kurashiki Campus. Registration is possible on site. Please join us!
Workshop program:
13:30 Fangjie Zhao (Rothamsted Research/Nanjing Agricultural University)
Arsenic biogeochemical cycling from soil to plant
14:10 Naoki Yamaji (IPSR)
Role of OsABCC1 in node in preventing arsenic accumulation in rice grain
14:35 Fenglin Deng (IPRS)
Detection of novel QTL controlling Cd accumulation in rice
15:00 Coffee Break
15:20 Nathalie Verbruggen (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Arabidopsis COPPER MODIFIED RESISTANCE 1 (CMR1) gene is essential for growth adaptation to stress and required for mitotic onset control
16:00 Luqing Zheng (Nanjing Agricultural University)
Alternative splicing regulated by mineral nutrition stress in rice
16:25 Daisei Ueno (Kochi Univ.)
Molecular mechanism of Mn tolerance in rice
16:50 Closing remarks

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