
Group of Genetic Resources and Functions

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Faculty staff

Prof. Dr. Shin TAKETA
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Assist. Prof. Dr. Jun YAMASHITA (Wild plant team)
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Lecture: Plant Genome Research, Functional Analyses of Plant Genetic Resources
Keywords: Morphogenesis; Domestication; Barley; Crop

Summary of main research topics

Molecular genetics of barley: morphology, seed quality, and disease resistance
Barley, regarded as the fourth most important cereal in the world, is used for food, brewing of beer, and animal feed. Different uses require particular quality standards. Our current research specifically examines molecular characterization of barley genes controlling plant morphology, healthy seed constituents, and viral disease resistance. Such basic research is expected to facilitate the breeding of new cultivars. Despite its huge genome size (5 Gbp) with limited genome sequence information, we are identifying many key genes of barley. Our interests also extend to the transfer of outcomes from barley to hexaploid wheat. 

Studies on plant systematics and conservation; Genetic resources of wild plants (Wild plant team)
Subjects of our research are (1) investigations for conserving local populations of endangered plant species, (2) taxonomical reevaluations based on morphology and molecular phylogeny, and (3) curation of the herbarium and frozen seedbank (available for studies, not guaranteed for survival rate) of wild plants. Please contact Jun Yamashita to access the wild plant resources.


Latest publications (for complete and most current publications visit group pages)

(1) Ube, N., Ishihara, A., Yabuta, Y., Taketa, S., Kato, Y., Nomura, T. Molecular identification of a laccase that catalyzes the oxidative coupling of a hydroxycinnamic acid amide for hordatine biosynthesis in barley. Plant Journal 115: 1037-1050. (2023. 5.)
(2) 武田 真 植物科学とサイエンスコミュニケーション.岡山大学附属図書館報 楷 77: 2-5. ISSN 0911-5587 (2023. 10.)
(3) Taketa, S., Kim, J. S., Takahashi, H., Yajima, S., Koshiishi, Y., Sotome, T., Kato, T., Mochida, K. Genomic traces of Japanese malting barley breeding in two modern high-quality cultivars, ʻSukai Goldenʼ and ʻSachiho Goldenʼ. Breeding Science 73: 435-444. (2023. 12.)

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