
Cross-appointment of Dr. Sun Liying as an Okayama Univ Special Professor.

Dr. Sun Liying, a full professor at College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, visits IPSR for 2 months from February 1, 2020 till March 31, 2020 as a “Specially Appointed Professor.” This contract is valid for three fiscal years from FY2019 and she stays at IPSR for several months in each fiscal year since. Prof. Sun has been working on cross-kingdom infections, e.g., infections between plants and fungi or between plants and insects, of viruses. Her visits are expected to spur on-going related collaborative research projects with IPSR members and to foster new collaboration with members of not only IPSR but other Okayama University Institutions. An Agreement of Cooperation came into effect last year between IPSR and her college, based on which four undergraduate students were trained for three months at IPSR. Scholar/students exchange and collaboration between the two institutions will further be enhanced by her visits to IPSR.

Contact/Information:Nobuhiro Suzuki (Group of Plant-Microbe Interactions)

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