本シンポジウムは、岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所が2年に1度開催する国際シンポジウムです。
会期:2025年 3月3-4日
会場:倉敷市民会館 大会議室兼展示室
参加登録、研究交流会会費支払い期限:2025年 2月16日
Website: https://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/sympo/2025/
■ March 3 (Mon)
13:00 Opening remarks
Yasutomo NASU (President, Okayama University)
13:10 Simon Griffiths (John Innes Centre)
Finding new and useful genetic diversity in wheat landraces
13:45 Tomoyuki Furuta (IPSR, Okayama University)
Exploring valuable genes in genomes using comprehensive orthology graphs
14:20 Shin-Ichiro Ozawa (IPSR, Okayama University)
The molecular machinery of photosynthesis – electron transfer regulation mechanics of the cytochrome b6f complex
14:55 Hongwei Guo (Southern University of Science and Technology)
A novel osmosensing mechanism mediated by cytoplasmic crowding-sensitive DCP5
15:50 Takashi Soyano (National Institute for Basic Biology)
Periodic cytokinin response in leguminous root nodule symbiosis
16:25 Kanako Bessho-Uehara (Tohoku University)
Host parasitic plant response to the hyperparasite inducing gall development
17:00 Yi Li (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University)
How plant host cells recognize invasion virus and initiate antiviral defense
18:00 Banquet at The Kamon (The 華紋: fee 7,000 JPY)
■ March 4 (Tue)
9:30 Hirokazu Tsukaya (The University of Tokyo)
Evo-devo studies on leaf shape diversity
10:05 Katsutoshi Tsuda (National Institute of Genetics)
Stem development and evolution: how nodes and internodes are formed?
10:40 Yuki Hayashi (Nagoya University)
Light regulation of stomatal opening and plasma membrane H+-ATPase
11:15 Hitoshi Sakakibara (Nagoya University)
Molecular mechanism of plant growth optimization through cytokinin biosynthesis and translocation
11:50 Closing remarks
Takashi Hirayama (Director, IPSR, Okayama University)
Organizing Committee
Yoji Kawano (Chair: IPSR, Okayama University),
Tomoyuki Furuta, Noriyuiki Konishi, Yuki Okegawa, Kazuhide Rikiishi, Takayuki Sasaki, Shoko Ueki (IPSR, Okayama University)
The 40th Institute of Plant Science and Resources (IPSR) International Symposium will take place on March 3 – 4, 2025 at the Kurashiki City Auditorium, Kurashiki, Japan.
The IPSR International Symposium is a premier, international scientific conference held biennially by IPSR, Okayama University.
It focuses on advancing plant science through the presentation of cutting-edge research by world-leading scientists and provides opportunities for discussion and networking among researchers with various expertise.
We sincerely look forward to seeing you at the symposium!
Date: March 3-4, 2025
Venue: Kurashiki Civic Auditorium, (倉敷市民会館), Kurashiki, Japan
Registration Deadline: February 16, 2025
Website: https://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/sympo/2025/
■ March 3 (Mon)
13:00 Opening remarks
Yasutomo NASU (President, Okayama University)
13:10 Simon Griffiths (John Innes Centre)
Finding new and useful genetic diversity in wheat landraces
13:45 Tomoyuki Furuta (IPSR, Okayama University)
Exploring valuable genes in genomes using comprehensive orthology graphs
14:20 Shin-Ichiro Ozawa (IPSR, Okayama University)
The molecular machinery of photosynthesis – electron transfer regulation mechanics of the cytochrome b6f complex
14:55 Hongwei Guo (Southern University of Science and Technology)
A novel osmosensing mechanism mediated by cytoplasmic crowding-sensitive DCP5
15:50 Takashi Soyano (National Institute for Basic Biology)
Periodic cytokinin response in leguminous root nodule symbiosis
16:25 Kanako Bessho-Uehara (Tohoku University)
Host parasitic plant response to the hyperparasite inducing gall development
17:00 Yi Li (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University)
How plant host cells recognize invasion virus and initiate antiviral defense
18:00 Banquet at The Kamon (The 華紋: fee 7,000 JPY)
■ March 4 (Tue)
9:30 Hirokazu Tsukaya (The University of Tokyo)
Evo-devo studies on leaf shape diversity
10:05 Katsutoshi Tsuda (National Institute of Genetics)
Stem development and evolution: how nodes and internodes are formed?
10:40 Yuki Hayashi (Nagoya University)
Light regulation of stomatal opening and plasma membrane H+-ATPase
11:15 Hitoshi Sakakibara (Nagoya University)
Molecular mechanism of plant growth optimization through cytokinin biosynthesis and translocation
11:50 Closing remarks
Takashi Hirayama (Director, IPSR, Okayama University)
Organizing Committee
Yoji Kawano (Chair: IPSR, Okayama University),
Tomoyuki Furuta, Noriyuiki Konishi, Yuki Okegawa, Kazuhide Rikiishi, Takayuki Sasaki, Shoko Ueki (IPSR, Okayama University)