
Identification of three novel genes involved in plant defense against insect herbivores

[著者] Onkokesung, N., Gaquerel, E., Kotkar, H., Kaur, H., Baldwin, I.T., Galis I.

[論文タイトル] MYB8 controls inducible phenolamide levels by activating three novel hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A: polyamine transferases in Nicotiana attenuata

[掲載論文] Plant Physiology 158: 389–407 (2012)

[共同研究] Collaborative Research (in case of joint research results)

Previously, we identified a specific MYB8 transcription factor that controls accumulation of defense metabolites (phenolamides) in tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata) plants attacked with herbivores (insects that eat plants). This time, we used large scale analysis of gene expression (transcriptomics) and metabolites (metabolomics) to identify three novel genes that were controlled by MYB8 gene and encoded unknown acyltransferase enzymes (AT1, DH29 and CV86). By making transgenic plants deficient in expression of these MYB8-regulated genes, we show that two major phenolamides caffeoylputrescine and dicaffeoylspermidine are produced in tobacco plants by direct action of AT1 and DH29/CV86 enzymes, respectively. These findings allowed a complete reconstruction of one defense pathway against insect herbivores in tobacco plants:(文責:Prof. Ivan Galis, Group of Plant-Insect Interactions)。

Experiments presented in this paper were conducted under direct support of Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany (previous workplace of I. Galis ~March 2011).

関連リンク: Group of Plant-Insect Interactions

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